Fellowship Program

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NML’s Legal Fellowship Program focuses on technical knowledge development and “learning by doing,” creating a global community of practice in law and development and an important in-country resource for NML and its partner organizations. NML has proven to be a stepping stone to careers in legal reform and policymaking, with NML’s alumni working in government, international institutions (including the UN, World Bank, WTO, and IMF), and the private practice of international law. NML hosts cohorts of Legal Fellows throughout the academic year (typically spring, fall, and summer) and law student externs and interns throughout the year, working closely with student groups and law schools in the US and Africa. For information on NML’s fellowship opportunities, please contact us through this form or email us at mail@newmarketslab.org.

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NML’s Legal Fellowship Program focuses on building capacity to improve legal and regulatory systems in order to generate inclusive growth, transform economies, and reduce poverty. Despite the growing number of lawyers interested in pursuing careers in law and development, there simply are not enough practical training programs during or, in particular, following law school. Legal capacity building is an integral part of both NML’s structure and programmatic work, and the organization focuses on building legal capacity through its fellowship program, development of interactive legal tools, stakeholder consultations, ongoing partnerships, and scenario-based regulatory training modules that rely on systems analysis and human-centered design. The map below highlights the geographic diversity of NML’s current and past legal experts and fellows.

NML is seeking applications for a research fellow to work under its Agricultural Law Program on substantive matters related to agricultural law and regulation, NML’s Digital Regulatory Lab, and other initiatives and partnerships. The fellowship would focus on conducting legal research and writing with regard to national and regional agricultural regulation (including regulation of seed, fertilizer, etc.), intellectual property rights (with a specific focus on enhancing farmers rights), licensing, and other related issues in the context of agricultural rules, such as climate change, environment, gender, etc. This research will be in line with NML’s mission to leverage law and regulation as a tool for sustainable and inclusive economic development.

How to apply: Please see details of the application here. Interested individuals should submit a current resume/CV, writing sample, law school transcript, and letter of reference to Senior International Legal Specialist Adron Naggayi Nalinya at analinya@newmarketslab.org and Director of Research Tara Francis at tfrancis@newmarketslab.org, with a copy to NML President and Founder Professor Katrin Kuhlmann (kkuhlmann@newmarketslab.org). Applications are due by June 30, 2024. The fellowship award will be announced in July for a fellowship beginning in August/September for a period of four months.